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Sonis® 3 Mounted Ear Defenders 36dB SNR

Sell multiple: Piece
  • Attenuation: H = 37, M = 35, L = 26
  • High Attenuation Large Cup 111-116 dB
  • Tilt and adjust the position of the cup for optimum comfort and fit
  • Hygiene kits are available for each model

Product Description

Sonis® 3 Helmet Mounted Ear Defenders 36dB SNR

The Sonis® range has been stylishly designed with a traffic light colour code for easy identification. Materials have been chosen for both performance and comfort for extended periods of use.

Features & Benefits

Designed by the JSP R&D team and developed with a leading UK acoustic engineering research facility, the sonis® range of helmet mounted ear defenders peaks at an unbeaten 36 SNR.

The force the helmet adaptor applies and the cushion surface area work together to provide optimum cushion pressure and comfort.

Sonis® cups can be coloured to meet a corporate identity. They can also be printed with a company logo for improved brand recognition and to discourage theft. MOQ's apply.

Adjustable Steel Arms
The wearer can tilt and adjust the position of the cup for optimum comfort and fit, also offering even distribution of pressure.

The sealing rings are easy to replace. Hygiene kits are available for each model.

Universal Compatibility
The universal slots of JSP helmets allow for easy fitting of the Sonis® ear defenders, along with the JSP Surefit™ visor system for maximum protection.

SNR 36

Red - High Attenuation Large Cup 111-116 dB

Sonis® 3 Adjustable Ear Defenders 36dB SNR can be used for the following activities but not limited to -

  • Extreme Industrial Noise
  • Aircraft
  • Quarrying
  • Paper Mills
  • Heavy Engineering


Product dimensions
Outer packaging
MaterialPlain Paper/Cardboard
Features & Benefits
• The Sonis® range of ear defenders have been designed by the JSP R&D team. Working with a leading UK acoustic engineering research facility they have developed an ear defender range that peaks at an unbeaten 37 SNR.
• The wearer can tilt and adjust the position of the cup for optimum comfort and fit, also offering even distribution of pressure.
• Sonis® cups can be coloured to meet a corporate identity. They can also be printed with a company logo for improved brand recognition and to discourage theft. MOQ's apply.
• To facilitate even distribution of pressure the wearer can tilt and adjust the position of the earcup for optimum comfort and fit.
• The universal slots of JSP helmets allow for easy fitting of the Sonis® ear defenders, along with the JSP Surefit™ visor system for maximum protection.
• The Sonis® range is available with extra visibility cups and a reflective headband for added low light protection.
Sonis® Attenuation Data
Sonis Attenuation Data


Other Colours

Product Reviews

Weights & Dimensions

Pack quantity: 1
Height: 23.5CM
Width: 10CM
Length: 16.5CM
Weight: 0.41KG

Pack quantity: 10
Height: 21.5CM
Width: 34.5CM
Length: 55.5CM
Weight: 4.66KG


How to fit your Sonis® Helmet-Mounted Ear Defenders
How to use Sonis® Hygiene Kits
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Sonis®3 Ear Defender Hygiene Kit